Hide Your Tagged Photos on Instagram

Posted by InstaDP on Apr 17, 2019

Let’s face it—your tagged photos rarely turn out as great as you expected. Users love having control over what and how they post on social media, yet they have very few options when it comes to their embarrassing or shocking tagged photos. Fortunately, Instagram understands your privacy concerns and provides several ways to ensure you have some control over your tagged photos.

Hiding a tagged photo of yourself is conveniently easy when you want to quickly remove the tag before anyone sees it.

First, go to your profile page and click the tag icon. Find the photo you wish to hide and click on it. Click on the three dots at the top of the post to display your options, and then choose “Photo Options.” Click “Hide from My Profile,” and the post will disappear from your collection of tagged photos.

The tag with your name will still appear on the picture if someone is viewing the post from the original source. If you want to completely remove yourself from the post so that no one can identify you, click on “More Options” right underneath “Hide from My Profile.” You can choose to remove yourself from the post or to report the picture, if necessary.

If you want to hide multiple photos at once, you can complete this process in your settings. First, go to your Instagram settings. Under “Privacy and Security” locate “Photos of You.” On the following page, click on “Hide Photos.” A page of your tagged photos will appear, and all you have to do is select the ones you wish to hide.